Full Moon Illustration


Lambda-15 "Spearhead"

Lambds-15 are the primary offensive force at Area-43, they conduct frequent patrols outside of the site using vehicles, and are often the first line of defense against any enemies, they are highly trained in combat, especially in vacuum enviroments.

Psi-1 "Centurions"

Psi-1 are our protection based Task Force, they are in-charge of the protection of the most important assets, and if need be, recovery of those assets. They are in-charge of protecting VIPs such as the O5 council from any dangers, as well as protecting other important assets which could be used against the foundation if they fall into enemy hands.

Gamma-9 "Pathogen Stalkers"

Gamma-9 are our primarily recontainment task force, they are in-charge of the recontainment of SCPs and also the defense of high danger experiments from external threats, or even from the SCP themselves. Gamma-9 specialises in Chemical, Biological and radiological threats, and they specialise in combat in hazardous enviroments where standard combat units cannot operate.

Omicron-13 "Last call"

Omicron-13 are our special operations task force, they can be given a variety of tasks, and are highly adaptable. They will do whatever it takes in order to accomplish their mission, whether that may be assisting with lockdown efforts to destroying rogue assets.

Xi-6 "Pathfinders"

Xi-6 is our reconaissance/support based task force, they support our other task forces by providing critical intel to them, as well as tracking down escaped class D's, insurgent movements, and other strategic information, they specialise in intel gathering and reconaissance.

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