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Special Containment Procedures

SCP-049 is securely held within a Humanoid Containment Cell in Research Sector-02 at Site-19. Prior to any transportation, SCP-049 must be sedated. During transportation, SCP-049 must be restrained using a Class III Humanoid Restriction Harness, which includes a locking collar and extension restraints.

This process should be supervised by a minimum of two armed guards.

While SCP-049 typically cooperates with Foundation personnel, any sudden behavioral changes or outbursts should be addressed with increased force. No personnel should directly interact with SCP-049 during such episodes. Lavender (L. multifida) has been proven effective in calming SCP-049 during aggressive episodes. Once pacified, SCP-049 usually complies and can be safely returned to containment.

To support SCP-049's continued containment, the entity should receive a deceased animal's corpse (typically a bovine or another large mammal) for study every two weeks. Any corpses that transform into SCP-049-2 instances should be promptly removed from SCP-049's containment cell and incinerated. SCP-049 is no longer permitted to engage with human subjects, and requests for such interactions must be denied.


SCP-049 is a humanoid entity, approximately 1.9 meters tall, resembling a medieval plague doctor. While SCP-049's attire gives the appearance of traditional robes and a ceramic mask associated with the profession, these garments appear to have fused with SCP-049's body over time, rendering them almost indistinguishable from its underlying form. X-ray scans reveal that SCP-

049 possesses a human skeletal structure beneath its outer layer.

SCP-049 is capable of conversing in various languages, with a preference for English or medieval French. While SCP-049 generally maintains a polite and cooperative demeanor towards Foundation personnel, it can become highly agitated or even aggressive when it senses the presence of what it refers to as the "Pestilence." The exact nature of this Pestilence remains a mystery to Foundation researchers, but it is of utmost concern to SCP-049.

In the presence of individuals it deems afflicted by the Pestilence, SCP-049 may turn hostile, necessitating restraint if it encounters such individuals. Left unchecked, SCP-049 typically attempts to terminate the affected individuals. SCP-049 possesses the ability to halt all biological functions in organisms through direct skin contact, although the exact mechanism behind this phenomenon remains unknown, and autopsies of SCP-049's victims have yielded inconclusive results. SCP-049 has expressed frustration and remorse following these killings, indicating their ineffectiveness in eradicating "The Pestilence." Subsequently, SCP-049 often performs crude surgeries on the deceased using implements contained within a black doctor's bag it carries at all times. While these surgeries are not always successful, they often result in the creation of SCP-049-2 instances.

SCP-049-2 refers to reanimated corpses that have undergone surgical procedures by SCP-049. These instances lack previous memories and cognitive functions, possessing only basic motor skills and reflexes. While SCP-049-2 instances are typically inert, exhibiting limited movement, they can become highly aggressive if provoked or directed by SCP-049. SCP-049-2 instances exhibit distinct biological functions, vastly different from conventional human physiology, yet SCP-049 often considers them "cured."

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