Full Moon Illustration



Aviation Department

The Aviation Department uses advanced aircraft and fearless pilots to explore the skies, seeking answers to mysterious phenomena that defy conventional understanding. Their mission goes beyond the clouds, revealing hidden mysteries through skilled maneuvering and meticulous observation.

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The Mobile Task Forces

The Mobile Task Forces, with specialized training and cutting-edge tools, swiftly neutralize threats, making them the go-to force for expertise and rapid action in maintaining order.

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Security Department

The Security Department safeguards assets and people through rigorous measures, surveillance, and highly trained personnel, maintaining order and defense against threats and intrusion.

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Ethics committee

The Ethics Department guides our covert organization with a strong commitment to ethics, ensuring our actions align with right and wrong principles. They balance necessity with integrity, setting a precedent for transparency and accountability in a world of anomalies and shadowy operations.

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Engineering and Technical

The Engineering and Technical Department uses advanced machinery and creativity to engineer solutions for perplexing anomalies, making the impossible manageable.

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medical department

The Medicine Department blends science and anomalous knowledge to heal, explore, and provide hope in the face of supernatural ailments and mysteries.

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Intelligence Agency

The Intelligence Agency gathers, analyzes, and protects critical interests worldwide. It operates covertly, using advanced technology and skilled agents to ensure national security and stability while countering covert threats.

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Scientific Department

The Scientific Department pioneers the understanding of enigmatic anomalies through curious minds, advanced labs, and rigorous research, shedding light on the unexplained.

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External Affairs

The External Affairs Department bridges the gap between various entities, using diplomacy and negotiation to promote understanding and prevent conflicts in a world of secrecy and uncertainty.

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